Hi thanks for checking this page out. We get hundreds of requests to write for us each week so thought it would be useful to explain a few things to those of you who would like your work published.
Firstly, we do accept guest publication from racing fans with a few guidelines which we will go into below. If you are from another site and would like to work in partnership or discuss business then you can also use the email address below as well.
Advertisers and Business Contacts
You can reach out to discuss timed adverts, giveaways or promotions etc on the site on the email address roy@motorracingsports.com.
Race teams,Press Offices and Marketing Departments
Are also welcome to contact us with Press and Media enquiries, releases and information, or news on the email address roy@motorracingsports.com.
Potential Writers.
If you have content yo wish us to look at and potentially post we are happy to take a look, although it takes time! You can either ask us for topics of interest, or write whatever interests you and take a chance. TO be 100% clear not everything we receive is posted online and we have a list of requirements below that can maximize your chances.
Requirements and Preferences for publishing.
If you can adhere to some or all of these your chances are greatly improved.
- Articles over 800 words, less than that and we have to jump in and add more.
- Spelling and grammar checked
- Topics on Motorsports related topics only.
- References for quotes and sources needed.
- Your name so we can credit you under the article
- We don’t guarantee publication, or links.
- Original content only, we do check
- Separated into headings
- Facts rather than opinion pieces ( some leeway possible here)
That gives you your best chance at getting published.
All other enquires including writing can be sent to the same email address roy@motorracingsports.com.