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NASCAR races are super-loud. Ask any fan who has attended one recently. People love the sound of racing almost as much as the racing itself. Can the sound that's produced by NASCAR racing cars damage...
Motorcar racing as a sport has gripped the imagination of fans for over 120 years. From a formal race run in 1894 between Paris and Rouen in France, over a distance of 50 miles (80 km) at a...
NASCAR has banned spectators from bringing cooler boxes to the racetrack, or at least many racetracks, in recent years. Due to this, spectators cannot take ice packs or hard sized coolers with them...
The case for removing regular internal combustion engine (ICE) cars from sale and replacing them with hybrid and full-electric cars is growing around the world. Some countries are even ready to put...
NASCAR is truly a unique sport, and one of the most interesting ways that it shows it is through the trophies. We have previously written about NASCAR trophies and whether or not the drivers get to...
The title of today’s blog may seem like a reasonable question of interest from someone who is simply curious about the mechanics of NASCAR vehicles. If you were to ask it to a NASCAR official,...